The Tampa Bay Times

Sight casting to visible fish is the most exciting way to catch larger fish with any equipment, but especially with a fly rod. If you have balanced tackle and the proper fly it must be quickly and carefully placed so the fish can see it. Wind, tidal movement, boat position and direction of the cast must always be considered. If you are executing all the essentials to make a good fly cast, how do you stop the fly at the correct spot to acheive much needed accuracy? At shorter distances, you can false cast to the side of the intended spot then deliver the cast to the target. This takes time and risks spooking your quarry especially when the sun can cause the fly line’s shadow to scare the fish. As your fly approaches the correct spot, pinch the fly line with your line hand as it slides between your thumb and index finger to achieve accuracy. Some lawn practice is necessary to do this well and always pay big dividends when on the water.

Fly fisherman and Casting Instructor Pat Damico charters Fly Guy in lower Tampa Bay and can be reached at and (727) 504-8649.

Capt. Pat Damico
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